Mushin Mosque Demolition: Muslims petition police over threat to life, wrongful takeover

 Muslim community at the Tawakalitu Mobolorunduro Mosque, in Papa Ajao, Mushin area of Lagos State has petitioned the Assistant Inspector General of police, Zone 2, Lagos over wrongful demolition of their mosque and threat to lives of certain individuals.

The community represented by their Imam, Alhaji Ibrahim Ahmed Tijani, the president, Chief Imam Jimoh Salisu Ajose and four others have sent the save our souls message to the police authority through their counsel, Mr Shakirullahi Obale over alleged illegal invasion, forceful demolition of their mosque and threat to life by one of the family members, who claimed to be a grand child of late Alhaja Tawakalitu Abeje who gave the land on which the mosque was built, before her death.

According to them, the Mosque located at No. 24, Ojekunle Street, Papa Ajao, Mushin was said to have been suddenly invaded at about 9 a. m on October 11, 2020 by thugs and armed personnel in military uniform who “attacked the Mosque, forcefully, sent the congregation, threatening their lives and demolishing the mosque, removing its roof. Their action was vehemently resisted by areas boys in the Community which nearly turned to a battle field.”

The Muslim brethren said the attackers allegedly searched for the Imam of the Mosque and other stakeholders to forcefully sign a document to release the Mosque to them.

According to the petitioners, moment the situation became chaotic, they reported the incident at Police Station, Olosan, Mushin, the matter was documented, but they were told by the officer in charge, that the police have nothing to do with the complaint.

The Muslims claimed that the property housing the mosque was properly bequeathed to the Muslim community by the owner, late Alhaja Tawakalitu Abeje.

According to them, the landed property was ceded to the Muslim community “through the Codicil declared on the 9th day of December, 1995 by the owner, Alhaja.

Tawakalitu Abeje in her Will dated 19th day of October, 1979 where she bequeathed the portion of the Mosque to the Muslim Community, and since, they have been using the Mosque observing their regular religious activities unhindered even before the demise of the late Abeje.”

While appealing to the police to protect them against “attacks by the invaders,” they called for thorough investigation of the matter by the police in order to bring the invaders to justice.

Sir, it is our strong belief that your office appreciates better effect of any religious clashes and riot in any community particularly in our country.”

“Attempt by these intruders has caused a lot of problem and threat in the community, and for more damage and loss of life to be averted, we therefore on our client’s instruction, seek for your immediate intervention to investigate the matter, restrain them and put whoever is a culprit to book, so that religious crisis will be averted in this peaceful community.”

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