Eight health benefits of eating bitter kola


Bitter Kola, botanically known as Garcinia kola, is a popular plant from the evergreen kola tree in Central and Western Africa that has long been valued for its medicinal properties.

Also called Kolanut, it has a sharp, bitter flavor that eases into a slight sweetness as you chew, and they’re typically eaten raw. Bitter kola is widely known for its medicinal benefits, as the seeds, nuts, and bark have been and are still being used to treat.

In Nigeria, it is an important cultural symbol for many ethnic groups. It is given to guests at weddings, funerals, and naming ceremonies, and it is used in medicine. Ceremonial breaking of the kola nut is important for making people feel welcome in a village or gathering.

The bitter kola has some benefits for health. Here we explore those benefits:

1. It boosts the immune system: Bitter kola provides the immune system with all the needed support in order to protect one from attacks of harmful toxins and effective immune response against strange particles.

This high measure of cancer prevention agents found in severe kola doesn’t just assist with battling microscopic organisms and different diseases, it likewise assists the body with expanding its insusceptibility levels and when the resistance level of the body is expanded, it becomes sufficiently able to battle against any unfamiliar toxin.

2. It boosts fertility: Women who experience infertility problems sometimes eat bitter kola to improve fertility.

3. It treats malaria: Bitter kola is believed to have chemical properties that allow it to be an antimalarial catalyst. It contains Kolaviron which is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals, which has high antimalarial properties.

4. Prevention from glaucoma: It has been proven by a group of researchers that constant and consistent use of an eye drop made from an extract of garcinia kola can help treat glaucoma.

5. It helps with weight loss: Bitter kola is known for being a natural hunger suppressant and a great thirst stimulant, and as such helps to reduce weight loss, as a reduced intake of food and a large intake of water is needed by the body to get rid of excess fat and stay healthy.

6. It also helps balance blood sugar levels: Bitter kola can also be effective for individuals who have type 2 diabetes as a means of keeping their blood glucose levels stable.

Studies have found that the seeds from the plant are capable of reducing elevated blood glucose levels. This makes it ideal for both treatments of type 2 diabetes as well as for any complications that can arise from the condition.

7. It helps to relieve food poisoning: Bitter kola is anti-poisonous in nature, being that it helps in the prevention of bacterial infection caused as a result of food poisoning. The bark and seed of Garcinia kola when eaten together helps in the detoxification of the human system especially in cases of food poisoning.

It is recommendable to chew bitter kola immediately after eating contaminated food or suspected contaminated food.

8. Helps pregnancy: Bitter kola contrary to what some may believe, actually has been said to be helpful and useful in and for pregnant women, as it helps in combating nausea and vomiting, making the uterus healthier, supplies strength to the expectant mother and normalizes circulation of blood also.

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