Abducted Zamfara school girls released, repentant bandits played the role

 The kidnapped female students of Government Secondary School Jangebe in Zamfara have been released.  Zamfara Governor Bello Matawale received them on Tuesday morning at Government House Gusau.

The Governor said the actual number of the abductees  is 279 and they are all back hale and hearty.

Governor Bello Matawalle of Zamfara State has said repentant bandits assisted security agencies in the operation that led to the rescue of Jangebe school girls.

The Governor, who received the girls, noted that they were released without paying any ransom.

He said the agreement to release the girls was reached on Monday by 4 pm.

“This is the result of our peace effort and putting to shame all those saying there is no security in this country.

“We are happy that all 279 have safely returned, they will undergo medical checks and given balanced diets to recupperate by the state government before they are handed back to their respective families.

“I want to appeal to parents not to remove their children from school as a result of this, we will ensure additional security in all the schools.

“We thank all media outlets for their support throughout these trying times,” the governor added.

Matawalle also congratulated parents of the victims and Nigerians for the safe return of the girls.

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