How RAK NGO has changed and changing stories of a people in Lagos


A non-governmental organization - Real Act of Kindness (RAK,) has distinguished herself as indeed a platform for man to find solace in means of adversities. 

The pioneer of this organization Mr Mobolaji Abubakree Ogunlende, would say that: "the desire to put smile on people's face, quench thirst and empower generations are the thrust behind his humanitarian interventions. 

Bringing the impacts to the most recent times, RAK's list of impact is inexhaustible, in  his milieu of operation. Aside his three months economic palliative program in Badagry and some parts of Ikorodu, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, He has also sponsored candidates to attain university education and one Msc. Holder to attain Doctor of Philosophy Degree. 

When some groups of local musicians cried for help to project their careers, RAK was at their mercy with huge financial donations. 

Some communities have struggled for years to get drinkable water, but no one came to their aid. when RAK visited these communities- Joys, laughter and gratitudes took dominance of these communities, as drinkable water now lives in everyone's house. 

Another community battled with poor flooded roads during rainy seasons, but RAK again was the emancipator, as he provided a wooden pedestrian bridge to enable the residents walk without stepping into the black murky waters.

The list is endless. 

For the most current and talked about, the two programs are ongoing synchronously. Electrification of rural communities is a major problems in Nigeria from the government. RAK stoop up to power seven communities, which have received transformers from government for the past five years, but are unable to bear the operational cost. According to the RAK Foundation engineer Mr Agbeleye Hakeem, the project cost 5.2million Naira. The people who have been in darkness for years, could not stop raining praises and appreciations to the philanthropist. 

The second is the economic palliative program for 455 households on going. From what The Social Watch is an eyewitness to: bags of rice, beans, gari, noodles, kegs of oil, cartons of seasoning, and more are being packaged and targeted at the poor and old people, who are mostly in remote areas where no government economic palliatives has reached. This has made the NGO boss boarded canoes, ferries into the villages which are mostly in the riverine aeas to deliver the foods. 

To him, he does not get tired, or fed up to make man happy. 

If only other NGOs, philanthropists, could step up and fill some other gaps, the result will be wider and quicker, for, RAK alone cannot do it.

On the aspect of sports, RAK is the first person and organization to introduce Football League within the Badagry environs. This is aimed at supporting the youth who are talented or gifted in sports to also have hopes for their dreams. 

 A Badagry resident Sewanu Micheal described him as: "RAK is a mountain mover, not applying radicality in his approach but mending the cracks in the social, economic and political gaps created over the years in Badagry. He is a businessman like every other persons, philanthropist and groups and has not been doing all that he's doing for any selfish reasons. A lot of our people mutter negative impressions against anybody that is doing well where those who are expected to do so has failed or deliberately decided to do so. RAK and any other NGO philanthropist shouldn't be seen as a challenge but role models and well-wishers who will drive our society to the promised- land."

RAK has indeed stoop to fill some loopholes of the government, which should be the concern of every citizen. Such people are God sent and shouldn't be seen as a competitor trying to take anyone's glory or duties, but helper to humanity.

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