First class Oba kidnapped in mosque

 The Acting Eje of Ankpa, Ankpa Local Government Area, Kogi State, Alhaji Shaibu Usman, was on Friday kidnapped by gunmen.

Alhaji Usman was abducted while entering the mosque around 5.30 am.

In its reaction on Friday, the Kogi State Police Command said it would not rest until the monarch’s release was secured.

The police said his abductors were yet to contact his family.

The Commissioner of Police (CP), Ayuba Ede, said the police had cordoned off all entry and exit points into the state with a view to rescuing the traditional ruler.

According to him, the kidnappers laid an ambush at the mosque and zoomed off immediately with the traditional ruler to a destination yet to be ascertained.

The Kogi State Commissioner for Information and Communication, Kingsley Fanwo, said efforts were on to secure the release of the traditional ruler.

“The state government is working with security agencies to ensure his release. The Kogi State Government has also set machinery in motion to ensure even more stringent security network during this yuletide.

“The people of Ankpa should remain calm as government is on top of the situation. We remain committed to security of lives and property,” he stated.

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