INDEPENDENCE: Badagry Youth plan mass movement against bad road, marginalization

 Aliu Akeem

The state of affairs in Badagry and it's corridor, often makes one to ask if Badagry is actually in Nigeria or has not been forgotten. 

But evidences of its Nigerian nationality abound. If the governments forget that education started in the city and with its first primary school in 1842, the Christianity journey since the 15th century, the birth of civilization with its first storey building, then the income generated from Seme Border should be a reminder of its Nigerian nationality.

But it is pitiful the state of affairs in the region today!

In 2019, the Nigerian Customs Service, accrued a total income of 4.4 billion Naira through the tattered road of Seme Border to the government's purse. Yet, the road that gives this, is never clothed. It is left naked in shamble, tatty, deadly, slippery and in neglect. 

Following the gross malignment to Badagry from the governments: state and federal, Youths, Nigerian citizens, federal and state government civil servants, businessmen and women and the entire road users in the axis have planned on a peaceful protest on October 1st to cry to the world. 

The agonies of the people range from the deadly nature of the only road leading from mile 2 - Badagry, which has played adverse effects on tourism and economic activities generally, the one million police checkpoints extorting drivers, high cost of fuel of unofficial price of 170 Naira per litre, intimidation by Immigration Officers who arrest them as foreigners on their own lands, absence of tertiary institutions since 1842 and more. 

The move which is convened by Comr. Sewanu Michael in conjunction with SHACO NGO, REVOLUTION NOW, PEPCAN, Badagry Press Conference, NYCN, Badagry Central, West and Olorunda, AOCOED Students and Association of Medical Sales Representatives. Is to create a public but peaceful mass movement within strategic point in Badagry, to air their plights. 

In an interview with The Social Watch, Comr. Sewanu Michael says: "That the contractor should be mobilized with immediate effect back to site with increased labour to speed up the construction. He adds that 10 working days is enough for the govt to do so. He also said that "both the State and Federal Govt should stop playing with our dear lives using the blame game and stop giving double- standard preference to other parts of Lagos at the neglect of the historic city- Badagry , where lies Nigeria's high revenue generating facilities."

He proceeds that "Inhumane policies of annihilation and anti-people laws should be dumped to foster a better Nigeria. Prepaid meter distribution should be enhanced without bottleneck policies for consumers while the fuel pump price should be reversed immediately.

And also emphasized on the police officers activities. "Extortion on Badagry road has become an issue beyond control and a lot of illegalities are being legalized where the government negates corruption."

He concludes that the protest is not politically motivated and all legal moves have, been made as per security personnel awareness. 

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