How sickle cell affect marriages


Genotype is your complete heritable genetic identity,  the sum total of genes transmitted from parent to offspring i.e children. And they are:AA, AS, SS, AC(uncommon), CC(uncommon).We all have a specific pair of these hemoglobin in our blood which we inherited from both parents.

Knowing one's genotype is very important especially before chosing a life partner because there maybe compatibility issues, which could have devasting effects when it comes to conception.

SS (sickle cell anemia) is an inherited red blood cell disorder in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body.There is no cure for most people with sickle  anemia(SS),  but treatments can relieve pains and prevent complications associated with the disease.There are several symptoms to know SS patients,  mostly it usually appear around 5months of age like:

Anemia, episodes of pain crisis, swelling of hand and feet, frequent infections,  delay in growth or puberty , visions problems etc.So for a baby to be born with sickle cell anemia,  both parent must carry a sickle cell gene. It can lead to a host of complications like:

Stroke, acute chest syndrome, pulmonary hypertension, organ damage, blindness,  leg ulcer, gall stones, etc.

If you carry SS trait, seeing a doctor or a genetic counsellor before trying to conceive can help you understand your risk of having a child with sickle cell anemia.They can also explain  possible treatment, preventive measures and reproductive options.Sickle cell anemia (SS) is usually diagnosed in infancy through newborn screening program.

If you or your child developed any of the above symptoms please visit the hospital immediately.Sickle cell has really destroy many homes,  several crisis that occur.

Checking genotype status is higher than any other thing be it religion, family, money or even love.

It is a life time pain,  spending unnecessary money on the child, it will later be a curse and blame on the parents.

It brings discomfort to the child throughout his or her life.They might even lost the child forever.

This is how you know who to marry base on your genotype. For instance:AA can marry anybody, 

AS is better off with AA, 

AS and AS is risky, 

AA and Ac also risky, 

SS and CC is dangerous.

 So let be watchful.

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