Enough is enough. Reopen churches now. CAN warns

The Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, has called on all state governments that are yet to reopen churches under their watches to do so now because the continued lockdown order on the places of worship is no longer acceptable and reasonably justified.

CAN President, His Eminence, Rev Samson Ayokunle, in a statement on Tuesday, said: “Despite the directive given by the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 with regards to the reopening of places of worship nationwide, some states like Lagos and Ogun are yet to allow worship places, especially churches, to be reopened. What sin have the places of worship committed?

With the sudden emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, the leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, at all levels, agreed with the government on the need to close down the places of worship, economy, schools and every other facet of life.

But with the reopening of the economy, especially the markets (both organised and the unorganised markets) along with the plan to reopen airports and schools, the closure of churches anywhere in the country is no longer tenable and acceptable.

In what way are the opened and roadside markets more organised than the church which warranted their opening? Is it not our members in the places of worship that do go to markets and other sectors opened?

“Why are they allowed to go to markets and disallowed from going to places of worship? Is it because the marketers cannot contract the virus in the markets and airports?

“It is our opinion that while the government and other relevant stakeholders are working hard to get a cure for the COVID-19 pandemic, the Church too has a role to play by seeking for divine solutions as well.

“As much as we believe that COVID-19 deserves attention, it is our belief that the affected state governments would not turn a deaf ear to our quest, but allow worship to return to places of worship.”

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