Reps move bill to jail any individuals involved in unlawful protest for five years.

 THE House of Representatives, Tuesday, presented for consideration a bill seeking to jail unlawful protesters in the country.

The bill, entitled ‘’An ACT  to amend the Criminal Code Act, CAP 38, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 to further preserve the sanctity of human life and property, and to provide specifically for mob action, prescribe punishment and other matters, is sponsored by Emeka Chinedu Marting (PDP-Imo).

The bill stated:  ‘’When three or more persons, with intent to carry out some common purpose, assemble in such a manner or, being assembled, conduct themselves in such a manner as to cause persons in the neighbourhood to fear on reasonable grounds that the persons so assembled will tumultuously disturb the peace, or will by such assembly needlessly and without any reasonable occasion provoke other persons tumultuously to disturb the peace, they are an unlawful assembly.

’It is immaterial that the original assembling was lawful if, being assembled; they conduct themselves with a common purpose in such a manner as aforesaid.’’

It also states:  “An assembly of three or more persons who assemble for the purpose of protecting any house against persons threatening to break and enter the house in order to commit a felony or misdemeanor therein is not an unlawful assembly.

When an unlawful assembly has begun to act in so tumultuous a manner as to disturb the peace, the assembly is called a riot, and the persons assembled are said to be riotously assembled.

When an unlawful assembly becomes violent as to commit unlawful acts against any person or property, the assembly is called a mob and their violent act is referred to as mob action.  Any person who takes part in a riot is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for three years.

‘’Any person who takes part in a mob action is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for five years.

“Any persons who assembled together as a mob to commit violent act against any person or property are guilty of a felony and each of them is liable to imprisonment for life.’’

The bill explained that it “seeks to amend the Criminal  Code Act, Cap 38, Laws of the Federation of  Nigeria, 2004 to further preserve the sanctity of human life and property, and to provide specifically for the crime of mob action, prescribe punishment and other matters connected therewith”.

Sponsor of the piece of legislation, in his lead debate, said: “Mr. Speaker, my highly respected colleagues, permit me to lead the debate on this very important bill, titled the Criminal Code Act Amendment Bill, 2021.

“This bill was read for the first time in this Hallowed Chamber. Mr. Speaker, my colleagues, this bill seeks to amend the Criminal Code Act  Cap 38, Laws of the Federation of  Nigeria, 2004, to provide specifically for the crime of mob action, prescribe punishment and for other related matters.

“Mr. Speaker, every time, we hear and read in the news of mobs moving against people and properties. The word “mob” connotes a disorderly crowd of people, intent on causing trouble or violence.

‘’It is usually triggered spontaneously by accusations of a bystander, then joined by another and then another till it turns into a crowd of vengeful people causing carnage and destruction on its path.

“The danger with mob action is that participants typically believe they are punishing an accused for violation of the law, when in fact they are delivering jungle justice to an accused who may be totally innocent, and has not been given an opportunity to be fairly heard. They serve as accusers, judges and executors.

“Most participants in mob actions are usually not informed first-hand about the situation before joining the destructive crowd in blind rage to carry out their orgy of violence.

“There have been records of crowds inflicting fatal injuries on their targets and destroying and looting properties based on unfounded accusations of theft of an item, allegations of missing genitals, witchcraft and blasphemy.

“As quickly as the mob causes carnage, the participants disperse in all directions, making it difficult for them to be apprehended.

“A notable case is that of the Aluu Four in 2012, involving four male students of the University of Port Harcourt who went to recover a debt, but were set up and accused of theft leading to their gruesome murder by a mob in  Aluu, Rivers State.

‘’More recently in 2016, a man accused of homosexuality was beaten to death in Ondo State. Another man was also lynched in  Ebonyi  State, over accusations of theft of motorcycle. There have also been records of similar incidents this year.

“The failure of our law enforcement agents to prevent mob justice or punish those who participate in it, has lent an air of acceptability to this vile practice.

“How often people resort to jungle justice as a form of punishment to alleged offenders is also a testament to the fact that people have lost faith in the criminal justice system. Ever too often, the participants in mob actions go unpunished.

“The Criminal Code Act in section 69 defines riot as when an unlawful assembly turns tumultuous as to disturb the peace, but did not provide for when the unlawful assembly turns violent against persons and property.

‘’This amendment to the bill seeks to remedy that by providing for specific amendments to sections 69, 71 and 76 of the Criminal Code Act dealing with mob action and further prescribing punishment for the crime.

‘’The amendment to the Act will encourage our law enforcement agencies to go after persons involved in mob action and give impetus to the criminal justice system to bring such offenders to book.

“If more participants in mob action are apprehended and publicly prosecuted, it will serve as a deterrent to others.

“I, therefore, humbly urge you to support the second reading of this bill and its legislative proposal.  The bill was approved by the House for second reading.”

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