Lekki shootings: Army submit 13 flashdrive containing shooting video, list too generals as witnesses

 The Nigerian Army has filed papers at the registry of the Lagos State Panel of Judicial Inquiry probing the alleged shooting of #EndSARS protesters at the Lekki tollgate on the night of October 20.

One of our correspondents saw about three military men on Friday filing papers at the panel’s registry.

Saturday PUNCH investigations revealed that the army had filed papers ahead of its appearance before the panel.

Among the documents filed by the army are the witness statements of the Commander of 81 Military Intelligence Brigade, Victoria Island, Lagos, Brig. Gen. Ahmed Taiwo; the Chief of Staff, 81 Division, Nigerian Army, VI, Lagos, Brig. Gen. Nsikak Edet; Commander, 81 Division Garrison, VI, Brig. Gen. Francis Omata; Commander, 9 Brigade, Ikeja, Brig. Gen. Musa Etsu-Ndagi; and Commanding Officer, 65 Battalion, Bonny Camp, VI, Lt. Col. Salisu Bello.

It said it was also bringing before the panel expended and unexpended blank ammunition, which was used to disperse the crowd by firing into the air on 20th day of October, 2020.

The army has also submitted 13 flash drives containing the recorded videos of the soldiers’  involvement in the incident.

Our correspondent gathered that the testimony of the Army was listed as number one on the panel’s list for Saturday (today).

Confirming the earlier report by The PUNCH on the scheduled appearance of the army before the panel, the source added that the army’s testimony was listed as number one on the panel’s list for Saturday (today).

But it is unclear whether the army will still appear before the panel today as scheduled as the panel on Friday adjourned further hearing in the Lekki tollgate shooting till November 10.

The adjournment followed the inability of the panel to watch till the end on Friday the video footage of the incident submitted by the Lekki Concession Company, operator of the Lekki tollgate.

panel was able to view only four hours of the 20-hour video footage.

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